Exhale Help Center

Tools: Zendesk, Figma

I love the challenge of working on a project that has little to no documentation, because it means I get to build a knowledge base from the ground up. Whether it's a public-facing product guide or an internal company wiki, I've successfully built 4 knowledge bases using Confluence, Notion, Wordpress, and Zendesk.

Within my first 6 months at Exhale, I created and launched the company's user-facing Help Center using a Zendesk on a startup budget. The search- and mobile-optimized Help Center was then integrated into the app with strategically placed links and a chatbot tool.

While I currently own the full documentation cycle from beginning to end, I also understand it shouldn't be a one-person show. I regularly sit down with our engineering and customer support teams to understand user needs and seek feedback on existing content.

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